Advent, A Film Cycle & Reflections on Waiting, Wondering and Wandering.

I have with some great intention set about engaging with a series of films I’ve    dubbed an Advent Film Cycle. I have always been drawn to the idea of linking and interacting with different films and allowing the selected stories to meld and play off each-other over a period of intentional reflection. I started this concept last year when I went through a series of Ingmar Bergman films that deal explicitly and implicitly with the concept of the Silence of God which I watched in conjunction with the liturgical season of Lent and a micro-course I was taking at the time coyly titled Atheism for Lent.

Instead of something so bleakly critical, but still dealing with difficult questions of a spiritual nature, I have decided to spend my December mulling over 4 unique films, all of the introspective European art-house variety. Each film deals with characters questioning and searching for meaning and truth, protagonists dealing with the advent themes of Waiting, Wandering and Wondering. Only the final two films of the cycle will deal directly with ‘Christmas’ settings, but I felt the other two cover some similar ground and would add to my reflections.

Feel free to get in touch with me if you want to discuss any of this material further, or perhaps suggest another film that would fit well! Let me know! I can even lend you my copies if you’d like.

Week One:
Diary of a Country Priest
Dir. Robert Bresson

Based on an acclaimed novel, follows the duties and dailies of a young country priest as he battles health problems, doubt, and a difficult post.

Week Two:


Andrei Rublev
Dir. Andrei Tarkovsky

Follows the life of famed russian icon painter Andrei Rublev from his life as a monk, through his journies and into his vow of silence.

Week Three:

Cammina Cammina (Keep Walking/Walking Walking)
Dir. Ermanno Olmi

A local prophet gathers up the local peasants to march across the countryside in search of the Christ child, many give up, some give in, few succeed.

Week Four:


Birdsong (El cant dels ocells)
Dir. Albert Serra

The Wise Men of old, wander, and wander, and wander in search of the messiah.

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